If you are searching for Khatu Shyam photo to download, then you are at the right place, here we have uploaded 100+ Khatu Shyam photos and image for you for free. You can use these photos as wallpaper in your mobile, or as profile picture on Whatsapp and Facebook.
This name has been given to Khatu Shyam by Shri Krishna. Actually the real name of Khatu Shyam is Barbarik. But most of the people still do not know his real name.
Many people keep the idol of Khatu Shyam in their house and worship him daily. Many people go to Khatu Shyam temple to worship him with flowers and sweets as prasad. Doing this gives peace to their mind.
Also, they believe that Khatu Shyam is the support of the defeated in this Kaliyug.
Many devotees decorate the pictures of Khatu Shyam in many ways. Many people place them in their homes at the place of worship and place candles, incense sticks and other offerings around them. Some people build a separate shrine where the picture is the focal point of their prayers. Some people keep small pictures at their workplace or take them with them when they travel to stay connected to Khatu Shyam throughout the day.
The pictures of Khatu Shyam are often decorated beautifully during special festivals and events. During Khatu Shyam Jayanti, which is his birthday, people decorate his pictures with flowers and lights.
Similar decorations are also done during Navratri and Diwali, which adds to the festive atmosphere. These occasions highlight the importance of Khatu Shyam and bring people together in worship and celebration.
The pictures of Khatu Shyam have a profound effect on those who revere him. They provide a sense of comfort and security. Seeing his picture inspires people to be courageous and overcome their difficulties.
Images of Khatu Shyam are not just an image but are considered more important for devotion. These images help devotees feel a personal connection to the deity. When placed in homes, temples or personal shrines they serve as focal points for prayers.
The mere presence of an image of Khatu Shyam is believed to bring his blessings and protection.
If you want to watch live darshan of Khatu Shyam on your mobile every day, then you will be happy to know that you can watch the aarti of Khatu Shyam and his divine darshan online.
To watch live Khatu Shyam aarti from the temple, you can visit the shrishyammandir.com website. Here you will get to see the live aarti of Khatu Shyam every day without any charge.
Also, without going to the temple, you can see and see Lord Shri Khatu Shyam from any corner of India.